With schools closed this September, balancing child-care and work has been a real challenge for many Courtenay families. I would like to thank the City of Courtenay and it’s staff for working hard to fill the gap by providing families with affordable, quality options for children and youth.

12 Lewis Centre Sign-SFrom Parent Saver child-care for $125 per week at the Lewis Centre, to the LINC Youth Centre’s “Try it For Free Week”, the city is ensuring that families have the support they need to make it through the school closure. I know friends and neighbours who have taken advantage of these programs and found them to be high quality, well organized and, according to their kids, really fun.the linc-290x180w

As a candidate for Courtenay council, my vision for Courtenay is one where the City is always playing an active role supporting families and children. I would like to thank all those responsible for ensuring that the city was there for families in a time of need.



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